Chewbacca's foster famiy is planning on adopting.
Chewbacca lives up to his nick name. “Chewy”. He 'talks' through growls, mumbles, and soft wuffs in an endearing way. He has a very sweet side and will kiss your face and show you his big puppy dog eyes. He is playful, LOVES to play tug with sque squeaky toys and is very proud when he has successfully 'killed' the squeaker. Chewy loves being outside, chasing bunnies and squirrels from the yard is a favorite pastime. He also loves snow, playing in it, eating it! He is wicked smart, picking up new tricks and challenges easily. He is generally very acceptable to training and shows great promise. Chewy is a puppy- he can find trouble to get into occasionally (stealing towels from the laundry room for example), learning when to bark and when to be quiet, what is acceptable to chew on and what is not.
Chewbacca easily favors women, but with a strong, patient man in the house, he will bond with him eventually too. He sometimes appears to nip or snap for no reason, although since we know all behavior is a form of communication, we can usually figure it out. He will growl to guard his 'resources'- his person (s), thresholds, and food (typically at human mealtimes). Often this will quickly transition into jumping and nipping. In some instances, his reactivity has been easier to address than in others, such as with our son. We have learned methods to cope with this through leash wearing for control, water bottles to spray, and treats throughout the home for positive reinforcement. He generally likes other dogs, but can struggle with reading, and obeying their cues. He knows sit, lay down- working on stay, come, and heeling during walks, and shows natural potential for sit up and shake. He understands 'off'. Chewy has a history of nipping and growling, he will resource guard his people, occasional dog food guarding, some threshold guarding. He can be hyperactive, particularly if there is a lot of activity, and at night.
Chewy will be such a fun-loving dog for the right family. He can be such a fun dog! The ideal home for Chewy will be one with all females, with no one under 16, or with a patient male in the home that can show leadership in a healthy way. Chewy needs to know where his place is in the family pack. Chewy needs a fully fenced back yard so he can have freedom to run and play. He would do well with a jogger; he seems to jog along naturally. Chewy would benefit from having a slightly older dog in the home that is the same size or larger.