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Roxy M 24080

Hi! My Name Is Roxy M 24080

We're happy to tell you that Roxy M 24080 has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

  Roxy M is a delightful 2.5 year old little girl. She has what is called heterochromia (one blue eye and one brown eye).    You can read about ghost eyes in Native American culture. She has adapted quite well to being in my house. She is a very happy dog with great energy. She adores meeting new people and dogs. She will run towards people and jump up on her hind legs for a greeting. Most of the time when she jumps up, her hind legs leave the ground. I've seen the tips of her toes a foot off the ground. She is quite agile! I have noticed a bit of submission peeing. So, it's always best to let her be in charge of the greeting before responding. I've been using a harness to walk her and I will supply that when she is adopted. She prefers being leashed by the harness rather than by the collar. It's better for her as she likes to pull on the leash. At times, Roxy can pull quite hard while zig zagging to and fro. She is quite curious while on the walk. and does go
potty when we walk.

When I settle in for the night to watch TV, she is slammed right up against me. She likes being petted and caressed. If I stop, she will de her best to get me to start up, again. She loves sleeping on my bed, pressed right up against me at chest level. I often wake up with just sliver of the bed under me. It has been a bit challenging to get her to go potty in my yard first thing in the morning and before lights out. Since discovery squirrels, her interest in them supersedes doing her duty. She has moderate interest in toys and will sometimes chase after them, but not retrieve.

Grooming does not seem to be an issue. The hair between her pads was quite matted and I struggled more than she did to get the hair cut. I do not anticipate any grooming issues. When I crate her and leave the house, she will whimper, whine and howl. If your dwelling has common walls with your neighbors, they might hear her. I don't know how long she carries on as she is quiet when I arrive home. When she hears the garage door open, she lights up with the excitement and barking. The first thing I do when I get home is to get her outside to go potty. She runs down to her favorite tree to look for squirrels. Due to her energy level and excitement, I would not recommend her being around small children or folks that are not sure footed.  Roxy would love a fenced backyard!

